Председатель ГЯП
В «Уголке председателя» представлена ​​информация о нынешнем председателе ГЯП, а также архив бывших представителей.
Ambassador Tomasz Łękarski
Ambassador Tomasz Łękarski

Welcome to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group!

The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of guidelines that provide an effective control of the transfers of nuclear technologies and materials, as well as dual-use items and technologies. The NSG plays an indispensable role within the entire non- proliferation and export control system.

I am honoured to have been chosen as the NSG Chair for the 2021-2022 period. Despite the extraordinary and ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we all hope for the return to a more regular work schedule soon. I am especially grateful to my predecessor and member of the NSG Troika, H.E. Werner Bauwens of Belgium, for his exemplary work as the NSG Chair from June 2020 to June 2021 and for steering the work of the Group under such demanding circumstances. The 2021 Brussels NSG Plenary provided us with a clear mandate to follow, and I will continue the efforts of previous chairmanships, striving for a better and more universal implementation of agreed rules and wider recognition of the work of NSG.

My guiding principles will be consensus building, impartiality, openness and transparency in all aspects related to the competency of the NSG. Together with the chairs of the NSG's working bodies, I intend to keep the group focused on its important technical mandate of keeping our Guidelines and Control Lists up to date.

One particularly crucial aspect of work for each NSG Chair is the involvement in outreach activities to build a strong and sustainable relationship between the NSG and individual non- participating governments, transit and trans-shipment countries, multilateral and regional fora, other export control regimes, and industry. This engagement aims to broaden understanding of the role, mission and work of the NSG, to encourage non-participating governments to adhere to the NSG Guidelines, and to facilitate an open dialogue on issues of common interest and concern related to nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear export controls. I believe that the Group also needs to continue its communication with the relevant industry partners.

Striving to safeguard the relevance and effectiveness of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, I am already looking forward, together with all the relevant institutions of the Polish licensing and export control system, to hosting Participating Governments at the next NSG Plenary meeting that will take place mid-2022 in Poland.

Mr Tomasz Łękarski Special Envoy Republic of Poland
Chair of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (2021-2022)

Chair's Corner - Video

NSG Chair Video

Greetings from the NSG Chair