Through its outreach programme the NSG is open to engaging with individual non-participating governments, transit and trans-shipment countries, multilateral and regional fora, other export control regimes, and industry.

The goals of NSG outreach are to:

  • build a strong and sustainable relationship between the NSG and the entities mentioned above;
  • broaden understanding of the NSG Guidelines and provide opportunities for non-participating governments to adhere to the NSG Guidelines (see the Adherence section for more information); and
  • facilitate an open dialogue between the NSG and interested non-participating governments and the aforementioned entities on issues of common interest and concern related to nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear export controls.

This outreach might include the provision of:

  • information about the NSG Guidelines and best practices, as well as how to make export control systems effective and efficient;
  • Information about the NSG Control Lists, how to use them to establish national export control lists and how to review and update such lists.

If there is an interest from non-participating governments and the aforementioned entities in the NSG’s work, it may be possible for visits, meetings and/or regular briefings to be organised by the NSG Chair to provide information on the NSG’s activities and, for example, to encourage interested governments to adhere to the Guidelines. Such meetings also provide an opportunity for a government to brief the NSG on its own export control systems and seek any advice or assistance from the NSG.

Any non-participating Government or entity (listed in the first paragraph above) interested in outreach with the NSG should contact the NSG Chair, via the NSG Point of Contact (Japan’s Permanent Mission to the International Organisations based in Vienna) for more information.

A trifold explanatory brochure on the NSG is available here:

Download Brochure


 Industry Outreach

In addition to the goals above, the NSG recognises the pivotal role industry plays in export controls. Industry is required to comply with the applicable laws and regulations and can provide valuable input during the drafting of new regulations by providing technical expertise on their products and services, information about advances in nuclear and emerging technologies, and advice on their understanding of certain rules. Industry can often be the first to recognise procurement attempts of potential proliferation concern, and through full understanding of the applicable rules and underlying aims of export controls, NSG PGs and industry can work together to ensure the export controls we have in place function effectively. To build a strong relationship between industry and the PGs, the NSG encourages all exporters involved in the export of nuclear and nuclear-related dual-use items to work closely with the national authorities in their own countries.