Overview of the NSG's framework and how the main governing bodies work together.

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) works on the basis of consensus. Overall responsibility for activities lies within NSG Plenary meetings that are held once a year. A rotating Chair has the overall responsibility for coordination of work and outreach activities.

NSG Plenary

The NSG Plenary can decide to set up technical working groups on matters such as the review of the NSG Guidelines, the Annexes, the NSG Procedural Arrangement, information sharing and transparency activities. The NSG Plenary can also mandate the Chair to conduct outreach activities with interested countries. The aim of the outreach activities is to promote adherence to the NSG Guidelines. In addition to the Plenary meeting, the NSG has two other standing bodies that report to the Plenary. These are the Consultative Group (CG) and the Information Exchange Meeting (IEM) with Chairs that also rotate annually.

NSG Troika

The current NSG Chair, together with the previous and the future Chair, form the NSG Troika.

NSG Consultative Group (CG)

The CG meets at least twice a year and is tasked to hold consultations on issues associated with the Guidelines on nuclear supply and its technical annexes.

NSG Information Exchange Meeting (IEM)

The IEM precedes the NSG Plenary during the Plenary week and provides another opportunity for NSG Participating Governments to share information and developments of relevance to the objectives and content of the NSG Guidelines.

NSG Licensing and Enforcement Experts Meeting (LEEM)

Under the IEM, the Licensing and Enforcement Experts Meeting, or LEEM, discusses issues relating to effective licensing and enforcement practices.

NSG Technical Experts Group (TEG)

The 2013 NSG Plenary in Prague, Czech Republic, agreed to establish a Technical Experts Group (TEG), which will, at the request of the CG, be tasked with ensuring that the NSG control lists are complete and up-to-date with technical advancements. The TEG will meet to discuss and make recommendations to the CG on all technical questions referred to it by the CG, on an as needed basis by the CG.

NSG Point of Contact

The Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organisations in Vienna, acting as a Point of Contact, carries out a practical support function. It receives and distributes NSG documents, notifies meeting schedules and provides practical assistance to the NSG Plenary, the CG and IEM Chairs and Chairs of the various working groups established by the Plenary.