The aim of this document is to raise awareness, as broadly as possible - among exporters (and other suppliers such as original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)) and with access to sensitive items - of the risks associated with nuclear and nuclear-related goods, material, technology, software and expertise.

A fundamental part of the international nuclear non-proliferation infrastructure is the requirement for Government to Government Assurances (GTGAs) to be given before the export of certain types of sensitive nuclear material, equipment and technology is authorised.

The following practices are authored by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with the help and support of the Governments of Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, Japan and the United States of America.

At the 31st Consultative Group Meeting in June 2013, Participating Governments mandated Germany to draft a document presenting good practices on the implementation of brokering and transit/transshipment controls as they apply to nuclear transfers.