GSN - Información de la presidencia

Querido lector,
Bienvenido a la página web oficial del Grupo de Suministradores Nucleares (GSN).
El GSN es un grupo de cuarenta y ocho países suministradores nucleares que trata de prevenir la proliferación de armas nucleares mediante la implementación de dos conjuntos de Directrices destinadas a garantizar un control eficaz de la transferencia de materiales, equipos y tecnologías nucleares, así como de productos de doble uso. Estas Directrices, no sólo pretenden garantizar que el comercio nuclear con fines pacíficos no contribuya a la proliferación de armas nucleares u otros artefactos explosivos nucleares, sino también que el comercio internacional legítimo y la cooperación en el ámbito nuclear no se vean obstaculizados en el proceso.
Le invito a explorar las Directrices del GSN, así como demás información recogida en este sitio web, incluidos los resultados de las recientes Reuniones Plenarias y una Circular Informativa del OIEA titulada “El Grupo de Suministradores Nucleares: Sus directrices, orígenes, estructura y papel”, (INFCIRC/539 rev. 8). Asimismo, encontrará documentos de buenas prácticas en los que se proporciona información sobre prácticas nacionales de comportamiento responsable de proveedores nucleares y controles de transferencia efectivos.

Querido lector,
Gracias por su interés en el Grupo de Suministradores Nucleares (GSN), y bienvenido a la recientemente actualizada página web del GSN.
El GSN es un grupo de cuarenta y ocho países suministradores nucleares que pretende contribuir a la no proliferación de armas nucleares mediante la aplicación de dos conjuntos de Directrices para las exportaciones nucleares y las exportaciones relacionadas con la energía nuclear. El objetivo de las Directrices del GSN es garantizar que el comercio nuclear con fines pacíficos no contribuya a la proliferación de armas nucleares u otros artefactos explosivos nucleares, y que el comercio y la cooperación internacionales en el ámbito nuclear no se vean obstaculizados injustamente en el proceso. Las Directrices e información adicional sobre el GSN, incluidos los resultados de las recientes Reuniones Plenarias y un documento de la Circular Informativa del OIEA titulado "El Grupo de Suministradores Nucleares: Sus Directrices, Orígenes, Estructura, y Rol", (INFCIRC/539 rev. 8) los encontrará en esta web. También encontrará documentos sobre buenas prácticas, incluido el recientemente añadido "GSN Guía de Sensibilización" en la sección "Prácticas Nacionales", que ofrece una visión e información sobre la importancia de un comportamiento responsable por parte de los proveedores nucleares y un control eficaz de las exportaciones.

Dear Visitor,
Thank you for your interest in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), and welcome to the official website. The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons by implementing two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports. These Guidelines, as well as additional information on the NSG, including the results of all recent Plenary Meetings and an IAEA Information Circular document entitled “The Nuclear Suppliers Group: Its Guidelines, Origins, Structure, and Role”, can be found on the Documents page of this website.

Welcome to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group!
The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of guidelines that provide an effective control of the transfers of nuclear technologies and materials, as well as dual-use items and technologies. The NSG plays an indispensable role within the entire non- proliferation and export control system.

Dear Visitor,
These are challenging times in many respects. The COVID-19 pandemic is making each of us as well as our societies acutely aware of our vulnerability when facing a global threat. While responses may vary and adapt to local circumstances, some key features of a comprehensive approach seem to emerge, such as resilience, pragmatism, capacity-building, transparency, international cooperation, solidarity, prevention. We shouldn't be surprised to see these or similar concepts being applied to other areas of global concern as well, from global warming or environmental degradation to threats to international peace and security.

Dear Visitor,
Let me welcome you to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and thank you for your interest!
Kazakhstan is chairing the NSG for the period 2019-2020. The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of export controls for nuclear and nuclear-related materials.

Dear Visitor,
Let me welcome you to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and thank you for your interest!
Latvia is chairing the NSG for the period 2018-2019. The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of export controls for nuclear and nuclear-related materials.

Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and thank you for your interest!
The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports.

Dear Visitor,
Thank you for your interest in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and welcome to the official website. The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports.

Dear Visitor, I would like to welcome you to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear related exports.

Dear Visitor, I would like to welcome you to the official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The NSG is a group of forty-eight nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear related exports.